Henry Bennett and Paul Loran, the founders of the start-up YourWelcome, invited me on September 27th to take part in their mini-festival on hospitality in the St Pancras Tower, an exceptional London venue.

St Pancras tower in London where happened the YourWelcome festival The St Pancras Tower where Katia Blanchard, founder of BnbStaging was speaking.


What is YourWelcome? It is a digital tablet worthy of the concierge services at the best hotels. It facilitates communication with travellers and enriches their local experience. So it was during this event on premium hospitality that I intervened to talk about interior design of seasonal rentals. A presentation entitled "How can interior design boost your rental income?" given in front of many Airbnb & co hosts gathered in the spectacular room, but also in front of their screens since the conference was broadcast live on Facebook.


To discover or watch my London YourWelcome video presentation again.