You have probably provided your rental’s kitchen with an oven, for your traveller’s cooking convenience when visiting. Question is; do they bother cleaning it when they leave the house? Or did they use it during their stay and leave grease splashes on the oven door, rack or walls? What’s the best way to quickly and effectively clean the mess? Here are a few natural and ecological solutions to help you easily clean any oven...

Cleaning an ovenDolgachov via 123RF


1.Cleaning the walls

-The product acclaimed by our grandmothers and which proves formidable against oven grease is baking soda. In a bowl, pour six tablespoons of bicarbonate with 3 scoops of water, and mix until a smooth dough is obtained. Spread this preparation on the oven’s inside walls. Feel free to use a brush to help apply the mixture to the back wall and recesses of the oven as well. Leave for 12 hours. Then using a wet sponge, or a wooden or silicone spatula, scrub the walls and rinse; dirt and grease stains should come off easily.

-If you’re in a hurry, you can use another trick that will take just under an hour. Fill an oven-safe container with 2/3 white vinegar and 1/3 water. Add baking soda. Mix well and spread the resulting texture on the oven walls. Then place the remaining preparation in the centre of the oven and heat for 45 minutes at 100°C. Once the 45 minutes are up, wipe down the inner walls with a sponge; the residues should leave easily thanks to the effect of heat.

-If your oven is so dirty that neither of these two methods are enough, then it will become necessary to use a less environmentally friendly product but one that is dreadfully effective: ammonia. Pour ammonia into a container and place it in the centre of a cold oven. Close the door and wait about six hours, the vapours that will emerge should attack the deposits. Put on gloves and ventilate the room before reopening the oven. Now clean the walls with a sponge soaked in soapy water and wipe dry. Leave the oven door open for at least another 12 hours, then wipe down one more time with a damp sponge before using the oven again.


2.Cleaning the rack

It's easy to clean the oven rack: place it in the sink and scrub it with a sponge soaked in a washing-up liquid and hot water mixture. If the residues are struggling to come off, use the abrasive side of the sponge or a nylon brush.


3.Cleaning the glass door

It’s unlikely that your oven’s glass door was spared. If we’re right, take a cloth and household alcohol to clean the glass. If stains persist, you can prepare a homemade recipe by mixing 125ml of baking soda and 45ml of white vinegar. Rub the glass gently with this preparation and a cloth and then rinse with clear water.


Your oven should look like new now. Maintenance is important and regular cleaning will also make your oven work better and last longer.