Who Am I?


Above everything else, I love hosting friends and travellers in my Parisian apartment. If you heard them talk, pampering my guests has become a calling! Over the years, by combining my hosting experience with my education in interior design, I have developed my personal interior planning and optimization techniques that are uniquely adapted to the comfort and practical needs of guests. Soon afterwards, friends started asking me to help them set up their rentals, then friends of friends, and then real estate professionals called seeking my advice. That’s when I founded BnbStaging®.


Today, I am helping Airbnb & co hosts plan their homes through my BnbStaging Agency. I provide practical and timely solutions that make the rental stand out, guaranteeing that guests will be satisfied with their stay. The goal is threefold: to receive positive reviews on the online posting, to grow the number of bookings, and to increase the host's revenue. In addition to my work at the Agency, I am also an Airbnb “Host Educator”. I was selected by the management team in San Francisco to develop pilot programs with a global reach, and was invited, in November 2015, to hold interior planning workshops at the Airbnb Open in Paris, in front of over 500 hosts from around the world.


I’m really eager to share this exciting adventure with you on this blog. By giving you ideas, tricks, tips and information, I hope to answer all of those questions that you’ve been asking yourselves, and ease your day-to-day activity as an Airbnb & co host.


Feel free to contact me if you would like me to cover a specific topic on this blog, or if you would like to share ideas and tips with the host community. I love the idea of adding new articles about hosting, and will post your suggestions.


Hostly yours!



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Do you have questions about being a host? Would you like me to address a certain type of décor or a particular theme? Are you looking for tips on how to organize/layout your rental space? Get in touch and let me know! I’d be more than happy to write new articles that can help facilitate daily life for all us hosts!


Also, if you have any interior design tips, DIY ideas or a repertoire of items that make your home more comfortable and functional and you’d like to share them with this blog’s community, don’t hesitate to get in touch. I will soon be adding a page specifically designated to publishing our readers’ suggestions.


You can contact me via the form below, email me at or write to me at BnbStaging, 231 rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris, France.