The bedroom is your rental’s most important room, the one in which your travellers will spend the most time during their stay; to relax, take a nap or recover with a good night's sleep. It is therefore essential that this sanctuary be restful, a place where harmony reigns. Feng Shui is a thousand-year-old Chinese tradition based on principles that create a sense of well-being. In interior decoration, this philosophy seeks the balance of Yin and Yang and helps the chi to circulate freely repelling negative shar energy. Learn how to plan and arrange your rental’s bedroom according to 9 key principles of feng shui that will turn it into a haven of peace…


Feng shui bedroom with light colours and the yin yang symbol©Ikea


Position the bed correctly

When arranging a feng shui bedroom, the positioning of the bed is paramount. Ideally, the bed should be located as far as possible from the entrance door as well as perpendicular or diagonal to it. It must not be aligned with the door, and if you can, avoid positioning it between a window and the door so as not to disturb the positive flow of energy. If you have no alternative, add curtains to the windows. It is also best to avoid sleeping facing or beneath a window. If necessary, install blinds or curtains to block unwanted energy. Finally, to allow the energy to circulate around the bed, it is recommended that the latter be raised on feet. Drawers under the bed are therefore not recommended.


Choosing suitable furniture

The headboard is an important element in a feng shui bedroom as it represents the protection and support that the body needs to repair itself during the night. Give preference to a solid model, wooden for example, or an upholstered one that will combine robustness and softness. Symmetry is also to be taken into account because it is a factor of balance. Install identical bedside tables on each side of the bed, preferably round rather than angled to prevent shar chi energy from heading towards the sleeping person. This energy, also called a poisoned arrow actually omits negative energy. Also avoid attaching shelves above the bed as this would favour the shar. As for side textures, opt for matt materials rather than glossy ones. The combination of opposing materials such as wood and cotton (Yin) with metal and glass (Yang) is necessary for the balance of forces. Also, keep the doors closed, both the wardrobe and access to the bathroom for on-suits.


Sorting and organizing

In order for the chi to circulate, there needs to be no obstacles. This is why the room should be well organized. Avoid the accumulation of trinkets, papers, objects that unnecessarily clutter and contribute to the energy imbalance of the room. It is also not advisable to have many books on display; they create a studious atmosphere that goes against the desired restful atmosphere. Also take advantage of this moment of organization to sort the clothes and linens in the cabinets. Keeping useless things would prevent us from opening up new opportunities according to the principles of feng shui.


Opting for the right colours

Colours play an essential role in creating a feng shui bedroom. Opt for cool colours, pastel and neutral shades, light shades and warm shades. Red, orange and other invigorating colours are not recommended.


Play on lighting

For a feng shui atmosphere, the lighting must be gentle. Favour natural light and dimmers. Bright artificial lights are to be avoided, especially if they are suspended above the bed. Opt instead for bedside lamps. To sift the light, do not hesitate to put curtains over the lamps, checking of course that they don’t overheat (for risk of fire), or add candles to them.


Eliminate electric waves

The bedroom is meant to be a place of tranquillity, so the television, computer and other electrical sources should be kept, as much as possible, in a different room. This helps to avoid a harmful magnetic field. If this is not possible, place these devices away from the bed or place them on a shelf or in a closet that can close.


Conceal the mirrors

Mirrors produce a lot of energy and can disrupt sleep if placed near the bed. As such, it is advisable to remove them or at least keep them as far away as possible from the bed. Another option is to conceal them with a cloth during the night.


Avoid plants and water

Keep green plants and flowers out of the bedroom as they give off too much yang energy for a resting place. If this is not possible, place them out of sight of the person in the bed. On the same principle, avoid water fountains and aquariums. Even representations of water are unadvised.


Decorate subtly

Photos representing people and religious icons should be avoided. This gives the impression of being observed reducing sleep’s restorative powers. Without exception, dark, graphic or fatuous images are to be avoided. Instead, place an inspiring piece of art or object across from the bed. As far as other decorative elements go, favour rounded shapes. A good example of this is; a glass cup filled with pebbles on the bedside table.


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