Decorative Mason Jars

Surf the recycled trend wave and divert old glass jars into decorative and practical items for your rental. Here are 15 original DIY ideas with mason jars...


Upcycle for a Gorgeous Bedroom

The bedroom is the centre of attention in your rental and as such, it’s important to highlight it and give it personality. To create style, discover 12 upcycling ideas...


Express Makeover For Chairs

Give your old wooden chairs a modern look with just a few simple brush strokes. Play with colour to boost your rental's décor. Follow this simple step-by-step DIY giude…


A Functional Laundry Room

Discover organization and decoration tips for a clever and functional laundry room. It will make easier the routine of washing and ironing linen between two rental periods.


Ombre Dyeing !

What about bringing a breath of fresh air to your interiors this summer with ombre-dyed curtains? Discover how to achieve this DIY colour gradation...


Optimize a Small Balcony

A balcony is a real asset in a rental, so arrange it as an additional place to hang out. Here are 6 tips to optimize this small and narrow space...