Make Your Mattress Last Longer

When you invest in a quality mattress for your rental, you want it to last as long as possible. Here are a few simple tricks to preserve it…


How to Maintain a Fridge

It is important to regularly clean, defrost and deodorize your rental’s refrigerator. Here are some all natural tips to properly maintain your fridge...


Say Goodbye to Wine Stains

When discovering red wine stains left by your travellers after the holidays, don’t panic! Old-timer tricks for removing them do exist, here’s the proof…


How to Care for a Carpet...

Give the carpets in your rental their original lustre and make them a decorative asset. Here are some old-fashioned tips for maintaining, reviving colours and removing stains.


Cleaning Stainless Steel Surfaces

Trendy due to the ‘design’ feel it gives kitchens, stainless steel is a material that dirties easily. Here are some tips for cleaning and making it shine in your rental…


Shimmering Shower Walls

Lime build-up and soap are the mortal enemies of shower windows and glass or Plexiglas partitions. Discover five home-remedies to restore their transparent shine…